Frequently Asked Questions

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Yes! Assuming you are taking normal safety precautions for live fire target practice. Hearing and eye protection are necessities for anyone in proximity of the targets. As rounds impact the targets, they break apart into tiny fragments that can be potentially dangerous. As a precaution against bullet splatter, we recommend a shooting distance no closer than 10 yards.

Very. We manufacture our targets with AR-400 steel, allowing for repeated bullet impacts without warping or dangerous cratering. The plate hanging system further reduces target wear by allowing the target to swing and resonate freely when impacted. The plates can be shot with anything from rimfire through centerfire handgun cartridges up to .45 ACP. However, for best sound quality target response, we recommend 22 long rifle.

We'll provide a song book so even a novice can begin to play basic tunes as they practice their accuracy, so yes! No need for complicated sheet music; we give you the exact letter sequence you need to play simple tunes. Even if music isn't your thing, the superior audible response and unique tone for each target make shooting a blast! We guarantee you will be grinning from cheek to cheek the first time you successfully strike every target in a row.